Welcome to Alan & Carie's T@B camper blog

This is a collection of photos and stories of our adventures in our T@B trailer camper. Browse our blog and enjoy!

-Alan & Carie

Sunday, September 23, 2012

2012-09-22 Big Bone Lick State Park - R-pod's, Bison & Segways

There was a great little Rpod rally this weekend at Big Bone Lick State Park in Northern Kentucky and we and several other camping friends were invited. Big Bone Lick is considered the birthplace of American paleontology due to the first official archeological dig done by Merriweather Clark (of Lewis & Clark fame) back in 1807 and sponsored by then President of the United States Thomas Jefferson. The site has bones from Mammoths, Mastodons, ancient moose, ancient bison and American bison and two different species of giant ground sloths all of which used to roam the U.S. The bones from Big Bone Lick have been distributed throughout the world and the specimens in many museums around the globe are from this site! It's a really cool place because the park has a museum with displays and bones, native American artifacts, a gift shop, trails throughout the salt licks and forest and even a live herd of American bison. It was a lot of fun as the park held a interpretive learning type event on Saturday hosted by some actual archeologists, paleontologists and other assorted professors and subject matter experts. We were able to Segway most of the trails which worked great for me as there is no way I otherwise would have been able to view it all. On Saturday evening Carie & I gave all the rallier friends the opportunity to try the Segways and several of them took us up on the offer. All did well and a couple of them took off on their own adventure and disappeared out of site!  LOL!  HA!

Actual whooly mammoth skull in the museum dug up from this site!


Check out the shirt! It's my official Segwaying shirt that Carie
surprised me with a couple of weeks ago ("Paul Blart - Mall Cop"):



One of the salt licks that brought all the animals here throughout the ages. The white slick is the salt -

Back at camp -
Nancy, Cindy, "Tink", Sheila, Carie & Rosemary
Ella, Nancy, Steve, Tom, "Tink", Sheila, Cindy & Carie

Ella, Nancy, Steve, Tom, "Tink"

Rosemary, Rick ("Coach"), Mary, Don and Rita (?) & Ed (?). Rita and Ed have chestnut trees and provided all with some so we actually did roast chestnuts over an open fire on Saturday Morning!!!

Todd & Karen

Steve, Sheila, Marilyn & Bill and "Tink" in the background
Tom & ella's Airstream ("Silver Mine...and His") in the foreground with Johanna "Tink" Bryant's Rpod in the background

Nancy Martin in her aqua blue T@B and Marilyn & Bill's brand new 6 week old Rpod -
Our T@B with the new visor. It's cute as a button but not very practical:

Steve Thomas attempting a Segway "glide"...


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