Welcome to Alan & Carie's T@B camper blog

This is a collection of photos and stories of our adventures in our T@B trailer camper. Browse our blog and enjoy!

-Alan & Carie

Sunday, March 13, 2011

2011-03-12 Some Pre-Season Camping At Caesar Creek State Park

We went to Caesar Creek this weekend as predicted and Carie was able to join me for the both nights although arrived much later than me on Friday, 10:00 pm. I got there around 5 in the afternoon. She planned on studying but we had so much fun just hanging out chatting fireside and playing games inside after dark that she never got any studying done so today she'll be hard at it!

We saw a half dozen deer right by our campsite, a racoon the second night who was probably psyched to see campers once again after this hard Winter LOL and the first night he left little footprints all over the truck. As I was arriving on Friday I saw several turkey and an otter!, Yeah, an otter! Too cool! At first I thought it was a mink but way too big to be a mink. Unfortunately all the wildlife sightings happened too fast to get any pictures but Carie did get some good pics of us hanging out camping...

Here's our window monkey. He's been hangin' out here on our T@B door window since the T@B Factory Tour Rally in 2008.

I'm not really ticked off in the least even though I do look it in this picture!  LOL!